I am Born Again: Next Step

1. Get a Bible and begin to read. There are many suggestions as to how to start reading the Bible but I consistently find most recommend starting in the New Testament. The New Testament starts in the Gospel of Matthew and goes through the book of Revelation. You were not meant to do anything on your own. You are now part of the world wide Body of Christ. Get help by quickly doing step two.


2. Get to church. Every week as many times as you can. Find a Church that teaches the whole Bible as true and fully applies it to our lives today. Get plugged in there and learn. The Church exists for our benefit and our presence in services is necessary to build up our faith and to equip us to do whatever God calls for us to do on any given day. The Bible states that “faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.” (Romans 10:17) Listening online is fine but can be confusing because of all the voices out there. We are not to "forsake the assembling of ourselves together.” You are now a part of a Body, and the Body needs you to be present. Church is not just a place where you hear the Word of God preached to build your faith. The Body of Christ encourages and corrects us and we see none of that benefit if we are not in the Body. Start attending a church today.

    It does matter where you go to church and there are a lot out there. You may know someone in your life that is a Christian and unashamed of it. Ask them where they go. Here are some questions you want to hear “yes” to when seeking a church home.

  1. Do you have regular altar calls at your services?
  2. Is your church growing every year?
  3. Other than services, are there groups or classes for discipleship?


If you get a "no" to any of these. Keep looking.

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